Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Massage


Are you feeling tired and in pain all the time?

Try Lymphatic Drainage Massage to improve your immune system,
boost your energy levels, reduce pain and fatigue. This superficial pressure massage technique moves the fluid lymph through your lymphatic system which is a filter for your body that houses wastes, toxins, and mutant cells. The therapist applies light pressure to certain areas of the body that have a high concentration of lymph nodes such as the axillary and inguinal regions. The waste products are released from the body with increased urination.

What do you feel after the lymphatic drainage? 

Generally, your limbs feel light, you are more relaxed, you may see a
reduction in the appearance of cellulite, feel less pain and feel more

How often should I get a lymphatic drainage massage?

It is recommended that you get a series of lymphatic drainage
sessions for maximum effect.

Protocol for Frequency
Number of visits each week:
1. First week: 2 sessions
2. Second week: 2 sessions
3. Third week: 1 session
4. Fourth week: 1 session
5. Fifth week: 1 session
6. Sixth week: 1 session

Each session is approximately 90 minutes

So, what do we mean when we say drainage?

Actually, after working any part of the body, especially the internal
organs, the client will experience either an increase in urination or
notice a different color to the urine or perhaps a stronger odor.

Why do we need to manually move the lymph system?

Basically, because we are too sedentary in our lifestyle. We now
require the movement to be done manually. We do not move our
bodies enough to make this system work at maximum efficiency.
Bending and stooping, reaching and twisting, etc. This system does
not have a pump like the circulatory system but when we encourage it to move, it gets filtered through the body and out, taking with it harmful toxins.

Why is moving the lymph important to our body?

Everything that eats must also produce waste. Each cell in your body is constantly eating. The lymph nodes hold the toxins that are pulled
from other areas of the body. If these nodes become full, the storage
tanks are closed. When this happens the cells begin to look for other
ways to store toxins and create their own “waste” cells. These are referred to as mutant cells. Hence, cancer, auto immune problems,


Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) speeds up the removal of wastes
and fluid 20 times faster!

Outcomes of the Lymphatic Treatments

  • Clients feel less stressed and more relaxed after their treatment due to the relaxation response of the lymphatic sequences. One client recently said “I didn’t expect it to be so relaxing!”
  • Your skin will appear smooth and more even
  • Sinuses become clearer aiding congestion
  • Toxins are evacuated from the skin more quickly
  • The inflammatory phase of recovery is sped up - beneficial for acne
  • Wound healing is accelerated - beneficial for acne

Recommended Treatment Plan

I recommend 6 treatments, 2 treatments the first week and then once a week for the following 4 four weeks.

Each treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes

What to Expect Post Treatment

Typically after a treatment you can expect skin to look clearer and
feel softer, eyes to be brighter, dark areas below the eyes to lighten,
puffiness and congestion to reduce and a more defined jaw-line.

What IS a lymphatic treatment?

A Lymphatic Massage / Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a very gentle and rhythmical sequence. There is no “squeezing” out of the lymph. It is a hands-on treatment and you will be placed in a comfortable, supported position on the massage couch so you can relax and enjoy the treatment.

Your treatment starts with boosting full body lymphatic flow. Gentle massage strokes are used  to encourage lymphatic flow and reduce puffiness. 

Note: No oil or lotion is used and hands are with a light pressure in the direction of the lymphatic flow

Results may vary 



Why should you invest in lymphatic massage pre and
post surgery?

Lymphatic massage which is also known as manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) can relieve the tight, heavy feeling of swelling after a facelift, tummy tuck, liposuction, breast reconstruction, BBL or even orthopaedic surgery.

In fact any sort of surgery recovery can be helped by having a lymphatic treatment.

What do you need to plan for?

If you can, please book in for two or three treatments, prior to your surgery​ as this will help your body and lymphatic system to be prepared for the post surgical recovery lymphatic massage treatments plus this will help you to be more relaxed.


1. Plan and book in your lymphatic massage treatments as soon as possible after your surgery to reap the benefits
2. Budget for one to two x 60 minute treatments a week for around four to six weeks as a general guideline
3. Follow all your surgeon’s post surgical care instructions
4. Plan for your support and recovery process

Outcomes of the Lymphatic Treatments

  • Many clients feel less tight and heavy with the swelling reduction due to the lymphatic stimulation
  • Clients also feel less stressed and more relaxed after their treatment due to the relaxation response of the lymphatic sequences. One client recently said “I didn’t expect it to be so relaxing!”
  • With the lymphatic treatments, we are reducing the risk of fibrosis (thickening) around the scar and affected surgery area
  • You will have a smooth, even result
  • Anaesthetics are evacuated from the system more quickly
  • The inflammatory phase of recovery is sped up
  • Wound healing is accelerated
  • Scar tissue is laid down evenly
  • Patients can return to their daily lives much sooner

What IS a post surgical lymphatic treatment?

A Lymphatic Massage / Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a very gentle and rhythmical sequence. There is no “squeezing” out of the lymph. It is a hands-on treatment and you will be placed in a supported position on the massage couch so you can relax and enjoy the treatment.

Your treatment starts with boosting full body lymphatic flow. Gentle massage strokes are used in the swollen area to encourage lymphatic flow and reduce swelling. Strokes re-route lymphatic flow away from lymph nodes and vessels affected by the surgery.

Often the stomach is treated as this will help clear out that post surgical constipation.

If you can’t lie on your back you may be put in a supported side-lying position or popped on to a chair for some of your treatment

Note: No oil or lotion is used and hands are with a light pressure in the direction of the lymphatic flow

Results may vary 


Speed up your healing time enormously!

MLD’s acceptance by the medical community is largely due to research studies. In a study conducted by Laurie Casas, M.D., and Patricia Depoli, M.D., the question of whether or not MLD produces significant outcomes for post-surgery patients was answered.

The study represented 13 different cosmetic-surgery procedures. Half the group was given MLD and the other half was not. The evidence points to this conclusion, the authors noted: “We see complete resolution of postoperative edema, bruising and fibrosis within 9-18 months in non-MLD patients. Those given MLD healed within six weeks to three months, significantly shortening postoperative

Benefits of MLD to cosmetic-surgery patients:

Bruising reduction. Cells transported by the lymph system are moved away up to 20 times faster with MLD. Bruises heal in a fraction of the time, allowing clients the ability to resume activities of daily living, without having to wear sunglasses for months to hide bruises.
Oedema reduction. MLD reroutes lymph fluid to collateral and viable pathways untouched by surgery to allow for accelerated drainage, as opposed to the slow trickle of tissue fluids in the operative site.
Pain management. As pressure of lymph fluid decreases around nerves, pain and discomfort are relieved and require less pain medication.
Scar-tissue and fibrosis reduction. Lymph fluid left to build up below incisions or sitting in interstitial space can solidify, causing the formation of scar tissue and fibrotic tissue. These tissues are often felt as ball-like substances below the skin surface. MLD prevents lymph fluid build up and solidification, for a seamless scar.

With all the benefits of MLD, it’s understandable why the modality is growing in interest from surgeons. The typical side effects of post-op surgery can be significantly reduced with MLD, minimizing downtime and discomfort.

“The surgical patient, in particular, benefits largely from manual lymphatic drainage,” says cosmetic surgeon Bart Rademaker, M.D.

“In these situations, the normal homeostasis is upset through anesthesia or tissue injury, and the normal channels to remove excessive toxins or waste are overwhelmed.

“Effective manual lymphatic drainage definitely improves surgical outcomes and speed of recovery,” he adds.

What’s more, it is all natural and with no side effects.

Book your appointments today!


1. Plan and book in your lymphatic massage treatments as soon as possible after your surgery to reap the benefits
2. Budget for one to two x 60 minute treatments a week for around four to six weeks as a general guideline
3. Follow all your surgeon’s post surgical care instructions
4. Plan for your support and recovery process

Outcomes of the Lymphatic Treatments

  • Many clients feel less tight and heavy with the swelling reduction due to the lymphatic stimulation
  • Clients also feel less stressed and more relaxed after their treatment due to the relaxation response of the lymphatic sequences. One client recently said “I didn’t expect it to be so relaxing!”
  • With the lymphatic treatments, we are reducing the risk of fibrosis (thickening) around the scar and affected surgery area
  • You will have a smooth, even result
  • Anaesthetics are evacuated from the system more quickly
  • The inflammatory phase of recovery is sped up
  • Wound healing is accelerated
  • Scar tissue is laid down evenly
  • Patients can return to their daily lives much sooner

What IS a post surgical lymphatic treatment?

A Lymphatic Massage / Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a very gentle and rhythmical sequence. There is no “squeezing” out of the lymph. It is a hands-on treatment and you will be placed in a supported position on the massage couch so you can relax and enjoy the treatment.

Your treatment starts with boosting full body lymphatic flow. Gentle massage strokes are used in the swollen area to encourage lymphatic flow and reduce swelling. Strokes re-route lymphatic flow away from lymph nodes and vessels affected by the surgery.

Often the stomach is treated as this will help clear out that post surgical constipation.

If you can’t lie on your back you may be put in a supported side-lying position or popped on to a chair for some of your treatment

Note: No oil or lotion is used and hands are with a light pressure in the direction of the lymphatic flow

Results may vary 


Appointment Types:

MLD for Facial Rejeuvenation - 30 mins - £35

Post-Op/Body only MLD - 60 mins - £50

MLD to aid with fatigue, exhaustion, pain & insomnia - 90 mins - £70


For pre/post-op multiple bookings a treatment plan and cost can be tailored to the indiviual


Booking terms for MLD:

Bookings for a treatment require a £20 deposit 

Deposit is non-refundable for cancellations within 48 hours of your appointment. I allow 1 reschedule, and then your deposit becomes non-refundable



1x 90 min treatment £70 



1x 30 min treatment £35



1x 60 min treatments £50


Embrace Wellness with Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

At Teresa’s Massage & Holistic Therapies, I believe in the transformative power of holistic wellness. My Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage offers a therapeutic experience that combines relaxation and medical benefits to nurture your body and soul.


Understanding Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Massage is a specialized therapeutic approach aimed at stimulating the lymphatic system. This intricate network of vessels and nodes is vital for eliminating waste, toxins, and excess fluids from the body. MLD's gentle, rhythmic movements facilitate this process, unlocking a range of health benefits.


The Medical Advantages of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

  1. Enhanced Immune Function: By bolstering lymphatic circulation, MLD strengthens your immune system, making it more effective in warding off infections and illnesses.
  2. Effective Detoxification: MLD helps the body remove toxins and excess fluid, reducing the risk of oedema and promoting a healthier, toxin-free system.
  3. Post-Surgical Healing: MLD is often used post-surgery to expedite recovery, reduce swelling, and minimize complications.
  4. Improved Circulation: MLD encourages improved blood flow, offering potential relief for those with circulatory issues or vascular conditions.
  5. Pain Management: Many clients report reduced pain associated with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and migraines after regular MLD sessions.
  6. Stress Reduction: While focusing on its medical benefits, MLD also provides a deeply relaxing experience that can alleviate stress and contribute to your overall well-being.


Your Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Experience

Choosing me for your Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage ensures you receive the highest quality care. Your session begins with a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific health objectives.


During the treatment, I will utilize gentle, precise strokes and rhythmic movements to encourage lymphatic flow. This technique is soothing and calming, leaving you with a profound sense of rejuvenation and balance.


Book Your Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Today

Unlock the incredible healing benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Whether you seek relief from a medical condition or simply wish to embark on a journey of holistic wellness, MLD offers